MATH 145 - Algebra (Advanced Section)

MATH 145 is an advanced-level version of MATH 135. How the course is taught is flexible and depends on the instructor who is teaching it. In the section I TA'd for, it was more number theoretic, and covered (broadly):

Below are some documents relating to work I did for the course.

Guest Lecture

I gave a guest lecture on field extensions and properties of finite fields. Because I did the proofs on a separate page on OneNote, the pdf has the proofs awkwardly appended at the end of the document (sorry!)

Lecture 32 - Properties of Finite Fields 

Supplementary Material

I tried to provide supplementary material which would provide a more ring theoretic perspective to interested students through in-class mini lectures and Piazza posts. These notes summarise some of these lessons.

First Isomorphism Theorem Notes

Maximal and Prime Ideals Notes

Chinese Remainder Theorem Notes